Thursday, April 9, 2009

How do you like your eggs?

Eggs are a big part of Atkins breakfasts. I thought I would grow tired of them by now, but the combination of (1 or 2 eggs) coupled with (cheese or sausage or bacon) hasn't grown boring yet. I still would like yogurt or the occasional bowl of Rice Krispies, far I'm doing okay.

One annoyance is getting the egg carton out of the fridge. My wife is amazingly organized. She runs the house, makes sure all family and kid obligations are met, on time, etc. She also likes to bake. When she does, she grabs the eggs randomly out of the container. Since it's flimsy plastic, the eggs are unbalanced, and I sometimes wonder if it's going to tip out of my hand, break the eggs on the floor, and give the dog a very nice breakfast. I am nowhere near as organized, probably qualify for ADD treatment, but always take my eggs from the end. More then that, I rearrange them to fill in the gaps so that all the empty slots are at one side of the container.

Hindu's have the concept of the "cosmic egg." Apparently in my house, the egg container also holds the yin for our yang -- the complementary side of each of us.


  1. I live alone, so fridge management is easy, but I like efficiency. Since going low-carb "paleo" style two years ago, eggs have been a major addition. Usually I have two dozen eggs in the fridge, half of which I hard-boil, so I can just nuke two for a quick breakfast (1 min per egg at %40 power, or they explode!). I usually have a tablespoon of sour cream (not strictly paleo, I know) to go with the eggs.

    I took a hint from somewhere about egg boiling. Take a bulletin board pin or similar and poke a hole in the round end of each egg before boiling. This allows for internal expansion air expansion and so reduces cracking during cooking and makes peeling easier. Also you'll be able to tell the raw eggs from the cooked later.

    Best of luck!

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