Friday, July 31, 2009

214... 212... 210

I forgot to say that two days ago I was at 214.

Yesterday I weighed 212.

This morning I weighed 210.

I hope this post will help me stay on-track through the weekend.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

No losing, no posting

I guess it shouldn't be surprising that as I'm still in a holding pattern, and not able to stay on the program long enough to really lose any weight, I haven't blogged anything. My wieght has hovered around 212 for the entire month of July.

I think I have to make sure to write something several times a week. That will force me to record my weight, which will force me to stay on-program. While I still check my weight every morning, it's a private matter for me. I think if I write the number here, in public, it will help me keep my resolve. At least I hope so.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The big 4-0

Today I weigh 212, 40 pounds less than when I started. That's like the weight of a four- or five-year-old child! (I don't like that comparison, it's kinda gross, like thinking I have a giant tumor inside.) I graphed my weight-loss as posted in this blog:
That period in May and June was my sluggish Spring, full of fall starts and plateaus. I am proud that the line rarely went up, however, and I think I learned something about how to handle my lifetime eating, once I hit my target. More realistically, I expect I'll fall into old habits, go into Induction for a week. Lather, rinse, repeat.