Wednesday, May 13, 2009

225; on the fast track, but for how long?

On March 30 I weighed 252; this morning I weighed 225. So for now I'm back to losing around four and a half pounds per week.

It is interesting how much of my outlook depends on what the scale indicates. Since I started I have seen my weight drop almost every day. When it doesn't, I have to take a pause to "explain to myself" that this is common, it doesn't mean anything, and so on. But at some point I'm going to hit a real plateau, or just start slowing down, and I guess I need to start preparing myself for that. I don't want to get depressed and fall off the plan.

Perhaps that's one of the reasons why Atkins recommends moving from Induction to the Ongoing Weight Loss phase, to purposefully slow things down before it happens beyond your control. (I'm sure the major reason to expand the list of things you can eat, so you don't give up out of boredom, but that's not a problem for me yet.)

I should seriously think about going into OWL.

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